What Sellers Can Expect

Are you ready to move or divest of an investment property, and want to make sure you get the best offer? Not sure of everything you might need to think about to do that? That’s why I’m here!

Click through the icons below to learn more about what you might expect on your journey to sell property.

Deciding To Sell

While you may already know you’re ready to sell, it’s still worthwhile to take time to clarify your motivations and create a basic timeline for the selling process. I - or your chosen Real Estate Agent (not all agents are Realtors)  - can help guide you through some key considerations, including the following. 

Why Sell?

By understanding why you want to sell - and where you might move if that’s part of the equation – we can determine the best options to meet your financial, lifestyle and real estate goals. For instance, moving to a larger property within the current school district could have very different implications than moving to another city or state if you have kids. 

When Should I Sell?

Do you need to sell quickly, or have some time? By understanding your selling time frame, I/your real estate agent can either help you immediately jump into action, or can help you take a step back to review your financial goals and market conditions and determine the most favorable time to sell. 

What Is The Market Like?

If you watch the news, you know the real estate market around the US is in constant flux. As your local agent, my job is to educate you on the real estate market at the local and neighborhood level. Together, we will determine the right pricing and sales strategies needed to navigate the market setting you up to receive  the best possible offer. I’ll help you understand the bottom line of every offer and guide you on choosing the best one for your circumstances (which may not be the highest priced offer).  

How Do I Optimize My Finances?

You’ll want to seriously consider your current financial situation and future possibilities and goals when thinking about selling your property. I actually love spreadsheets and crunching the numbers, so together we’ll assess the cumulative impact of  these changes, estimate potential proceeds of selling your property, and plan effective tax savings and estate planning strategies.  We may even discuss the impact of converting your current property into an investment property and how that may get you closer to financial freedom. You can trust me to help you think outside of the box to take control of and optimize your finances.

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